Ahoy, maties! Sir Winston Cruises of St. Petersburg recruits you to join them as they invade Tampa Bay and take what is rightfully theirs on their Gasparilla Invasion Brunch Cruise. At 9:00 AM, The Sir Winston will cruise onto the sparkling waters of the bay joining the infamous José Gaspar and other scallywag pirates at Ballast Point. From there, the ship will join the flotilla (that’s Spanish for a “fleet of ships”) as it sails to Downtown Tampa for the famous pirate invasion. The tallest vessel in the fleet, the Sir Winston will offer phenomenal views of the bay as well as of the Invasion.

Feast and Plunder Aboard the Sir Winston Gasparilla 2017
Plundering cities builds appetites, expect a continental breakfast and brunch buffet on your voyage. Breakfast will include scrambled eggs, applewood smoked bacon, hash browns, and pastries. The brunch buffet will have a Spanish flair with grilled chicken with garlic sauce, seasonal vegetables, and black beans and rice. Beer, wine, rum, and other liquor will also be available for purchase. All adults (21+) will receive two drink tickets for FREE RUM! Adult tickets are $149.95 while tickets for children ages 6-12 are $89.95 (additional fees apply). Purchase your tickets here and make sure to use the coupon code “727” or “813” for $10 off each ticket.
Enjoy a day of feasting and plundering on the Sir Winston as it invades Tampa Bay alongside the Jose Gaspar for Gasparilla 2017. When the ship disembarks at 1:00 PM, you can walk over to Bayshore Boulevard and watch the Parade of Pirates. For information about the parade and other Gasparilla festivities, check out Gasparilla Guide: Tampa Bays Piratical Season 2017.