Amplify Clearwater

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429 Poinsettia Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33767 ClearwaterRate and review
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The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic membership organization which represents more than 600 businesses in the Tampa Bay area, predominantly North Pinellas County. The programs and services of the Regional Chamber range from business boardrooms to local restaurant and retail as well as beach and tourism partners’ promotions. The Regional Chamber works closely with government officials at all levels to help maintain and encourage a business friendly environment and to assist our members with information and access.

Established in 1922, the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce launched with the vision to be the premier Voice of Business in the Clearwater region. Today, that vision is reality. Representing more than 600 member businesses, the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest chambers in the Bay area and has established itself as a credible and influential voice for its members, often partnering with other agencies to advocate on behalf of business interests and advancement within the region.

To enhance economic growth in the Clearwater region by focusing on the development of our members in the business and tourist communities.

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