The purpose of this site is to present matters of public interest to the City of Largo, including its many residents, businesses and visitors. We encourage you to submit your questions, comments, and concerns, but please note this is a moderated online discussion site and not a public forum. Once posted, the City reserves the right to delete submissions that contain vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, or religious group. Further, the City also reserves the right to delete content or links determined to: (i) be off topic; (ii) that advocate illegal activity; (iii) that promote particular services, products, or political organizations; or (iv) infringe on copyrights or trademarks. Please note that the comments expressed on this site do not reflect the opinions and position of the City government or its officers and employees. If you have any questions concerning the operation of this online moderated discussion site, please contact webmaster@largo.com. E-mail addresses and all comments posted on City-sponsored social media sites are public record under Florida Law and are not exempt from public records requirements. If you do not want your comments or e-mail address to be subject to being released pursuant to a public-records request do not send electronic mail or make comments on this site or to this agency. Instead, contact this office by telephone at (727) 587-6700.
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