Novus Medical Detox Center

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9270 Royal Palm Avenue
New Port Richey, FL 34654 New Port RicheyRate and review

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At Novus Detox ® we believe that every person has the strength within themselves to live a healthy, productive life. We help you to re-imagine a life of sobriety through an individualized detox care approach within a safe, therapeutic and empowering environment.

We are committed to putting you on the path to a Sustainable Sobriety ® and we have the ability to inspire this change, not just through our technical offerings but also through our emotional support.

Novus began with an understanding that for most people dependent on or addicted to drugs or alcohol, the most difficult barrier to sobriety was the fear of the pain, sickness and anxiety that was common in the typical detox. Because of this, Novus took on the mission of researching and developing the most comfortable withdrawal and detox available anywhere. Over the last ten years, Novus has succeeded in creating unique proprietary methods and specially compounded medicines that ensure the safest, most effective and most comfortable detox obtainable.

Your withdrawal is the first step to a Sustainable Sobriety ® and the successful stabilization of your body physically is essential for you to achieve the future that you envision for yourself. Novus is the optimum beginning of your road.

Additionally, Novus has built the ideal environment in which to go through your withdrawal, a spa-like setting with private or shared rooms, private bath, game-room, workout-gym, relaxing common room, wa

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As your body attains a healthy stability, we will teach you how to maintain your physical well-being and help you envision and plan a new future and a drug-free life.
Novus means “new” and we are the new way to an addiction-free life.

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