Coffee Pot Bayou
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The broad neighborhood along Coffee Pot Bayou is part of a 2-mile walking/biking path that extends from downtown St. Petersburg and follows the edge of Tampa Bay before entering Coffee Pot Bayou. It is a safe, well-lit path with fantastic views, comfortable benches for resting, access to a small beach off of North Shores Park, and opportunities for fishing.
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9800 4th Street North Ste 200, St. Petersburg fl, 33702Personal Injury and Car Accident Attorneys in St. Petersburg, Florida, handling car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, wrongful death, slip...
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2220 Central Ave, St. Petersburg FL, 33712Graze Craze offers handcrafted charcuterie-style boards, boxes, and tables, perfect for every palate and any size event in the St. Pete, FL area.