The Society was formed to perpetuate our Scottish heritage. In this respect, we support those who carry on the Scottish Traditions. Our children are our heritage and for them we support the Dunedin High School and Middle School Pipe Bands, Highland dance instruction and the Dunedin Highland Games. Our Mission is to Preserve, Teach and Honor the Culture and History of Scotland through activities, special events, and charitable gifts to deserving individuals and youth organizations in Dunedin.
The Scottish Country Dancers of Dunedin welcome all Scots and “non-Scots” who love to dance to join them. We love to honor those who have emigrated and brought with them their family and traditions.
On a Friday night, you can experience an old style Ceilidh (party) with singing and dancing and fun by all who attend.
This Society has special dinners honoring St. Andrew (the patron Saint of Scotland) and Robert Burns (the famous poet of Scotland). These nights are full of tradition, with many guests dressed in traditional kilts.
Other dinners honor occasions like Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day and of course, Hogmanay (New Years Eve), all with great entertainment, dancing and great food!
We also have picnics and planned group trips to area events.
Please watch the short video celebrating our 35th Anniversary in 2015 here
You Tube: Scottish American Society’s 35th Anniversary
The Scottish American Society of Dunedin welcomes all those regardless of ethnic heritage o
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