Thrift stores and similar retail outlets are great places to not only find discounted items like apparel, furniture, accessories, and more, but some pretty cool, useful items too if you look hard enough. Even if you're not buying anything, it's great just browsing a thrift store and seeing all the original, quirky stuff people bring in. Lucky for us in the 727, thrift stores in St. Pete are all over our beloved town. Second Image Thrift Store - Second Image Thrift Store is a huge retailer dedicated to selling gently-used secondhand items for charity. This Pinellas Park store offers a wide range of men and women's clothing, shoes, kitchenwear, bedding, household decor, and much more for affordable prices and great value. Plato's Closet St. Petersburg - Looking to get a little cash for trading in some of those old clothes? Consignment shops in St. Petersburg are perfect for this. Plato's Closet is a clothing store specializing in young men and women's fashion. Instead of a normal consignment shop where you have to wait for your clothes to actually sell to get your money, Plato's Closet gives you the cash up front for your gently used clothing. Revolve Clothing Exchange - In a similar format as Plato's Closet, Revolve will also give you cash or store credit for your gently used, old clothing. "Unique clothing that doesn't cost half a paycheck" is what their slogan reads, so you won't be breaking the bank here, just finding some original, vintage clothing perfect for a variety of wardrobes. These are just a few options for thrift stores in St. Petersburg. Check one out today. You never know what surprisingly cool stuff you might find.
By: Andrew Silverstein
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