727area.com Jodi Bass

  • Gender: Female, Status: Married
  • Member Since : 2023-05-19

Sarasota, FL, USA

Was born and raised in London(Essex/Greater London)England, UK from 1981. In 2015 after vacationing in Florida and having parents and younger brother living here I met my now husband and moved here and we married on Dec 27th 2015. We recently moved to St Pete from Bradenton/Sarasota area where my husband was born and raised and lived his whole life. We are happy to be living a few minutes walk from St Pete beach and waterway as that's both of our favorite place to be.

on 2015-Jul-7

London, UK

on 2015

St. Pete Beach, FL, USA

on 2023

Jodi Added Profile Photo 1 year ago

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